عبارات تهنئة بالزواج بالإنجليزي ، يحتار الكثير من الأهل والأقارب والأصدقاء في اختيار عبارات التهنئة بالزواج، لما له من فرحة كبيرة لديهم فلذلك يبحثون دائما على أجمل وأرق التهاني للمباركة للعروسين، والبعض يفضل أن يختار عبارات تهنئة بالزواج باللغة الانجليزية.
فإليكم عبارات تهنئة بالزواج بالإنجليزي:-
congratulations for the marriage.
I feel something in my heart,
it’s like a little flame,
every time I see you,
this flame lights up,
this flame is special for you,
because I LOVE YOU! _ _ _ Love is what you’re into when you are planning to put a smile on someone else face when he/she wakes up.
I love that you’re in love and is loved. * * * * * * * * * * * Marriage is like a cup of coffee: bitter, hot, sweet. It will keep you awake,
most of the time.
Open your eyes widely, and enjoy the unique taste and the aftermath. * * * * * * * * * * * Life is what you doodle and color in a canvas. Paint life together,
bride and groom. * * * * * * * * * * * Marriage is being an angel in your partner’s darkest hour and is role playing like a
friend in your partner’s crying game.
Let your partner be your best friend and guardian angel. _ _ _ Together, appreciate what you have and turn them into beautiful pieces. * * * * * * * * * * * Can I give you an assignment my dear friend? Make sure to give your partner words of affirmation.
That should be done every day. * * * * * * * * * * * Jog, walk, eat,and rest well,both of you. Living a healthy life is a good gift for both as well as to your children. Fill your bodies and soul with love that’s so healthy.
* * * * * * * * * * * Feed your partner’s hunger for living. Know his/her needs. Act upon those.
That is love. * * * * * * * * * * * Your candid moments with your significant other mean more a lot than laughter and smiles. Happiness is gained through childlike deeds that make someone feel adored.
Ask God to bless your marriage, and bless you, and that God combines between you in good –
Blow you, O bride, the most beautiful blessings and best wishes Doctors –
Congratulations to the newlyweds and you have been together forever –
Congratulations to the newlyweds with my wishes for you to live happily married life and blessing –
Congratulations to the bride and your husband, and ask God for you the time of happiness, love and affection –
Oh wedding collar of the two brides with love and happiness –
Congratulations to the bride and ask God to take care of you –
Congratulation happy marriage Mona to you O Arasan tonight –
The most beautiful wedding congratulations to you as the birds of love –
I searched for expressions of congratulations marriage to you as I could not pray to you O bride tonight –
Oh wedding collar of the two brides with love and happiness.
Congratulations to the newlyweds and ask God to take care of you.
Congratulation happy marriage Mona to you O Arasan tonight.
The most beautiful wedding congratulations to you, birds of love.
I searched for expressions of congratulations marriage to you as I could not pray to you O bride tonight.
Tonight I became a bride and surrounded you with the light of love, marriage and affection.
“Bless God for you and bring you together in good.”
We hope you will be blessed forever and blessed for the beautiful bridegrooms.
Blessed marriage marriage good to you and you O bride tonight.